The Croatian newspaper Večernji list published a popular review of the article “Renaming Zagreb Streets and Squares” (“Preimenovanje zagrebačkih ulica i trgova”), which appeared in the journal Migration and Ethnic Themes (Migracijske i etničke teme, 1–2, 2009, pp. 89–124), and in which Laura Šakaja and her co-authors Jelena Stanić and Lana Slavuj systematically described the processes of naming and re-naming public areas in Zagreb, all from the first official naming of streets and squares in 1878. The review in Vecernji list, entitled “Discover How the Streets of Zagreb Changed Names through a Century” (= “Otkrijete kako su ulice Zagreba mijenjale imena kroz jedno stoljeće”), was made by the journalist Zoran Vitas (February 17th 2016.).
Laura Šakaja on renaming Zagreb streets and squares
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Project is supported by Croatian Science Foundation -
Project leading institution: Institute of Ethnology and Folklore Research, Zagreb -
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb, Department of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology -
Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb, Department of Geography