Activities and results
Workshop: Peggy Levitt “Artifacts and allegiances: how museums put the nation and the world on display”
In the frame of the project „City-making: space, culture and identity“ and in collaboration with the Platform for Mobility and International Cooperation of Ethnologists and Cultural Anthropologists professor Peggy Levitt (Department of Sociology, Wellesley College, …
Lecture: Peggy Levitt “Transnational social protection: setting the agenda”
In the frame of the project „City-making: space, culture and identity“ and in collaboration with the Platform for Mobility and International Cooperation of Ethnologists and Cultural Anthropologists professor Peggy Levitt (Department of Sociology, Wellesley College, …
Petra Kelemen participated in an international symposium Actopolis – The Art of Action Symposium ”We Need to Talk”
Symposium Actopolis – The Art of Action Symposium ”We Need to Talk” was organised on 17 and 18 of March 2017 in Oberhausen, Germany. It was organised as a part of the final exhibition of …
Round table on the politics of sexuality in Zagreb
“The city of Zagreb and the politics of sexuality as politics of difference” was the theme of round table held at the Institute of Ethnology and Folklore Research on 27 january 2017. The round table …
Article on green public spaces by Valentina Gulin Zrnić (Routledge 2017)
An article by Valentina Gulin Zrnić “Green Spaces in Socialist and Postsocialist Zagreb” is published in the volume “Green Landscapes in European City, 1750-2010” edited by Petera Clarka, Marjaane Niemi and Chatarine Nolin (Routledge 2017). …
Tihana Rubić met with the Oxford Brookes University’s students
On the 1st of February, 2017 Tihana Rubić met with the Oxford Brookes University’s students at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of the University of Zagreb. The students were enrolled in the master’s …
Visit of Oxford Brookes University students and presentation of the project
A group of Oxford Brookes University students and their professors dr Aylin Orbasli and dr Julia Wedel (International Architectural Regeneration and Development at the School of Architecture, Oxford Brookes University) spent a morning at the …
Student workshop on Place making in Zagreb by dr Georgia Butina Watson (UK)
A student workshop was held on 25 January 2017 led by dr Georgia Butina Watson (Oxford Brookes University, UK) and by participation of professor Tihomir Jukić (Faculty of Architecture, University of Zagreb) and Valentina Gulin …
Lecture by dr Georgia Butina Watson (Oxford Brookes University) on Place-identity through Urban Design
Professor Georgia Butina Watson (School of the Built Environment, Oxford Brookes University, Oxford, UK), as a project guest delivered a public lecture PLACE-IDENTITY THROUGH URBAN DESIGN Abstract: Many people today, in many parts of the …
Journal “Etnološka tribina” – thematic issue on urban public spaces
The thematic section of the newest issue of the scientific journal Etnološka tribina (No. 39, 2016) focuses on public spaces The thematic section of the newest issue of the scientific journal Etnološka tribina focuses on …
New book: The Place of Performance and City-making
“The Place of Performance and City-making” is a new project volume published in December 2016. The core questions that are being introduced in the volume aim at juxtaposing performance, public space and city-making. What is …
Lecture by Laura Korčulanin on combining anthropology, design and art
Laura Korčulanin is a Slovenian ethnologist and anthropologist based in Lisabon and is currently a PhD candidate of Design Course at the IADE – Creative University, Universidade Europeia, Lisabon. She is the assistant professor at …
New book published: “Gardens of Our Cities”
The volume ”Vrtovi našega grada: studije i zapisi o praksama urbanog vrtlarenja” (Gardens of Our City: studies and notes on the practices of urban gardening) (eds. T. Rubić and V. Gulin Zrnić) has been published/printed …
Jasna Čapo delivered a lecture on Croatian returnee migrants and politics of incorporation
Within the framework of the Croatian Humboldt Club J. Čapo gave a lecture about Croatian returnee migrants and their offspring who have settled in Croatia. She has pointed out different ways of their inclusion into …
Petra Kelemen on TV talk show about scientific conference on migration
Petra Kelemen participated in the television show „Društvena mreža“ dedicated to the scientific conference „Contemporary Migration Trends and Flows on the Territory of Southeast Europe“ The scientific conference „Contemporary Migration Trends and Flows on …
Upcoming Events
Project is supported by Croatian Science Foundation -
Project leading institution: Institute of Ethnology and Folklore Research, Zagreb -
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb, Department of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology -
Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb, Department of Geography