Citymaking - stvaranje grada

Jasna Čapo izlagala na IUAES kongresu o ulozi migranata u stvaranju grada (Zagreba)

Jasna Čapo održala je izlaganje na 18. Kongresu IUAES-a, Florianapolis, Brazil  (16.-20. 7. 2018.)

Međunarodna udruga etnoloških i antropoloških znanosti (International Union of Ethnological and Anthropological Sciences/IUAES) organizirala je 18 kongres u Brazilu, Florianapolis, pod naslovom World (of) Encounters: The Past, Present and Future of Anthropological Knowledge. Kongres, organiziran u dvjestotinjak panela, okupio je 2,000 antropologa i etnologa.

Jasna Čapo sudjelovala je u radu panela 120 Making Cities, Cities in the Making: Moments of Arrival, Appropriation and Resistance, kojega su organizirali Monika Palmberger (Sveučilište u Beču) i Tilmann Heil (Sveučilište u Leuvenu/Federalno sveučilište Rio de Janeiro). Na panelu su sudjelovali kolege iz Poljske, Južne Afrike, Austrije, Brazila, Njemačke, Francuske, Belgije i Češke Republike.

Čapo je prezentirala rad naslovljen Migrants as Place-and City-makers: Partnership Mobility at a European Periphery.

Croatia does not figure on the map of global mobilities; the state has traditionally been an emigration country, which it remains to this day. Immigrants to the country, very low in numbers, have been driven by other reasons than economy or safety. The main motive for recent arrivals of well-educated, highly skilled, young and middle aged immigrants from all over the world has been partnership with a Croatian citizen and, for those in higher age groups, retirement (possibly also with a Croatian partner). The presentation targets their experiences of placemaking in the city of Zagreb: How do they perceive, imagine and narrate the city and their life in the city? How do they experience and appropriate the materiality of the city? In what ways are their claims to dwelling in Zagreb (re-)making the city? The presentation is part of a larger project: City-making: space, culture and identity that is carried out in the city of Zagreb (

Abstract Book


  • Projekt financira Hrvatska zaklada za znanost
  • Ustanova nositelj projekta: Institut za etnologiju i folkloristiku
  • Filozofski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Odsjek za etnologiju i kulturnu antropologiju
  • Prirodoslovno-matematički fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Geografski odsjek