Members of the project participated at the international „9th InASEA Conference: Emotions, Senses and Affect in the Context of Southeast Europe“, held in Zadar, 27–30 September 2018 and presented research results on public spaces and affective urbanism, international migrants and their attachments to the city and spatial regulations of sexualities.
Sanja Đurin
Shame or Pride – spacial regulation of sexualities
According to Gill Valentine the space on itself has no meaning. The space is performative – the practices that are performed in particular space produce its meaning and the power relations within it. But different spaces, and especially public spaces are naturalized, which makes some practices within them suitable, while some other practices not. In Croatia, this is especially the case with queer practices which are most of the time not gladly seen in public spaces and regulated by the sense of shame or non-belonging. Based on ethnographic research on emotional experience of the city of Zagreb by lgbtiq citizens, this presentation will show if and how the practices in public spaces are regulated by shame or pride.
Valentina Gulin Zrnić
Affective urbanism of Zagreb: chasing recent urban changes
Affective urbanism refers to „an urbanism animated by a conceptual vocabulary specific to affectivity“, and affects “become infrastructural to urban change” (Ben Anderson and Adam Holden, 2008). This perspective is the starting point in order to understand recent urban transformations of the city of Zagreb. The paper is built on twofold material: on the analysis of representations of Zagreb constructed in touristic material (brochures, video clips, photographs) and affects it advertise and boosts; and on the analysis of ethnographic material (fieldwork notes, interviews) which reveals the relationships between urban space and city inhabitants. These relationships are built on entwining uses of, meanings of and emotions towards particular space while public events organized in public space are becoming important triggers of expressing affects. The research is focused on central public spaces (parks and squares) in Zagreb and it is carried out within the project “City-making: space, culture, and identity” (
Petra Kelemen
‘Now I am in love with the city’: Emotions, affects and place-making practices of international migrants in Zagreb
This paper will analyse the roles of emotions, senses and affects in the ways international migrants encounter and perceive Zagreb as the city they currently live in. I will base my analysis on the semi-structured interviews conducted with international middle-class migrants in Zagreb, as well as on the material gathered through social media and other web sources. The analysis will be situated within the framework of research which emphasises emotional aspects of migratory experience and the one which focuses on emotions and affects in place-making practices. I will pay attention to the roles of emotions in migrants’ trajectories (e.g. how they explain their decisions to migrate, how they situate themselves in the new social and cultural surroundings), and in their place-making practices (e.g. how they construct the meanings of the city, what characteristics of the city they see as emotionally enriching and valuable, how they describe their belonging). Furthermore, I will be interested in the narratives in which international migrants compare Zagreb with other places, and in the roles that emotional and affective aspects have in those comparisons. Finally, I will explore the connections between the emotional lives of migrants and the concepts of quality of life and well-being.
Nevena Škrbić Alempijević & Tomislav Oroz
Urban Spaces in Transformation: Two Croatian Case Studies
In this presentation the authors analyse the production and uses of urban public space in the specific postsocialist context of Croatia. The presentation seeks to explore the following questions: what kind of interventions and behaviours are allowed in the public space, who gets to decide it and in which ways? The focus is on public events and practices, perceived as ways in which diverse concepts of the public and the private become materially present and affectively expressed in the urban setting. The dynamic correlation of public space and cultural practices is discussed on the basis of two ethnographic case studies. The first case study deals with the European Square in Zagreb, a centrally positioned square-in-becoming, which until recently functioned as an intersection of three streets. The transformation of this space and redefinition of practices within it give us an insight in how different agents define and negotiate the concept of public, “cosmopolitan” and “European” in the urban space. The second case study is related to the Sea Organ, an architectural object situated on the promenade of Zadar. Due to two installations made by architect Nikola Bašić – the Sea Organ and the Greeting to the Sun – the sea front has been transformed in the busiest tourism destination in the Old Town of Zadar. Both cases open up questions of the socially responsible architecture, the relationship of the city’s historical heritage and its contemporary needs, as well as of “right” and “responsible” ways of using the urban public space. Heterogeneous events occurring in and triggered by the urban space (festivals, protests, tourist visits, everyday activities, virtual platforms, etc.) point to a need to tackle the spatial and temporal dimension of diverse practices.