Tomislav Oroz and Nevena Škrbić Alempijević co-authored an article in Studia ethnologica Croatica

A scientific article entitled “Two Faces of the Monument: Politics and Practices in the Usages of the Monument to the Peasant Revolt and Matija Gubec in Gornja Stubica”, written in co-authorship of Tomislav Oroz and Nevena Škrbić Alempijević, is published in the journal Studia ethnologica Croatica, vol. 27 (2015).

The aim of the paper is to analyze the Monument to the Peasant Revolt and Matija Gubec in Gornja Stubica as materialised memory of the past constructed in relation to present-day circumstances. The monument is approached through the prism of people who use it and bring it to life in diverse ways, with the emphasis on their cultural practices and performances in the memorial space. Out of a number of potential approaches to the Monument, the authors focus on its two faces, related to two historical moments, but also two different modes of memory. One is connected with the construction of the monument and its commemorative and anniversary usages in socialism. The other is created in the 21st century, when images of the past also become embodied in living history performances, in the frame of festivals.


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  • Project is supported by Croatian Science Foundation
  • Project leading institution: Institute of Ethnology and Folklore Research, Zagreb
  • Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb, Department of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology
  • Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb, Department of Geography