Valentina Gulin Zrnić gave public lecture on Zagreb Downtown squares/parks

Valentina Gulin Zrnić gave public lecture at the Pučko otvoreno učilište (Public Open University) in Zagreb, November 29, 2017. The lecture is part of the collaboration between the project “City-making” and the Open Public University in their programmes and activities in the academic year 2017/18.

“From Zrinjevac to Tomislav Square: Zagreb squares and their social life”

Summary: Three squares/parks in the center of Zagreb – Zrinjevac, Strossmayer and Tomislav square – are part of the Zagreb Downtown green area. They are shaped in the second half of the 19th century as “representative spaces of civil culture and sociability” (Knežević). What kind of civil culture and social life is present today in the squares/parks? The lecture is spacious and time stroll through the squares from the period of their construction till today. What is the meaning and life of these squares during socialism? What are the meanings and uses of these public squares today when they host public events, festivals and various manifestations throughout the year? What is the significance of the event “Advent in Zagreb” in terms of its meaning for the city-branding, and everyday urban life?

pozivnica POUZ 2017


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  • Project is supported by Croatian Science Foundation
  • Project leading institution: Institute of Ethnology and Folklore Research, Zagreb
  • Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb, Department of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology
  • Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb, Department of Geography