Laura Šakaja held a called-for lecture during the 62nd national seminar for teachers of geography. This seminar was held continuously since the year 1955, for the purpose of transfering new scientific knowledge into geography education, and was organised by the Croatian Geographical Society, the Geographical Department of the Faculty of Science and by the Agency for Education. In a lecture entitled “Cultural Geography: Beginnings and the Modern Status” (“Kulturna geografija: počeci i suvremeno stanje”) L. Šakaja gave an overview of the development of cultural geography as a geographical sub-discipline and explained her own definition of cultural geography in the context of contemporary theoretical concepts.
After the lecture, L. Šakaja’s book “Introduction to Cultural Geography” (Uvod u kulturnu geografiju, Leykam International, 2015) was presented. The book was described by assistant professor Dr. Lena Mirošević and by the editor of the edition Eugenija Ehgartner. The lecture and the presentation of the book were held on January 7th 2016.